Red Pen Tidbits 5: Me, Myself, and I (Author Toolbox)

Welcome back to Red Pen Tidbits! Last time we focused on the topic with the most votes (those tricky one or two word combos). This week, we'll discuss the second topic with the most votes: how to use me, myself, and I correctly. This post is also part of the Author Toolbox Blog Hop. Feel [...]

5 lessons I’ve learned about writing flash fiction — Author Toolbox

When you try something new, your expectations are set quite high. Some people give up on the new thing when it becomes too difficult or when the high expectations they set for themselves aren't showing. Last year I decided to join in on the first #FlashFicHive challenge (hosted by Anjela Curtis). This month-long event challenged writers to create [...]

Writing Goals for the Classroom

We all know that goals are important in our lives; they give us a purpose. Students need that, too. They need a purpose in the classroom, one they choose. I've been incorporating writing goals in our class for the last couple years. They have changed significantly from when I started due to student feedback and [...]

I’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award!

I've been nominated! Woohoo!! I've been nominated for the Liebster Award! I've been nominated for the -- wait a second... What exactly is the Liebster Award?   The Liebster Award Questions. I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Dianna Gunn, but I was left with questions. What is this award? Who's it for? Why pick [...]